Friday, May 15, 2015

How Often to do PAP tests?

The American College of Physicians has released a set of best practices to reduce unnecessary use of cervical cancer screening in average-risk women — that is, those who have no history of precancerous lesions or cervical cancer, or at other increased risk.

Among the recommended best practices for screening average-risk women, based on systematic reviews and recent guidelines:
Don't screen women under age 21, regardless of sexual history.
At age 21, start screening every 3 years
For women aged 30-65, a combination of PAP plus human papillomavirus (HPV) testing may be used every 5 years.
HPV testing should not be performed before age 30.
Women should not be screened beyond age 65 if they've had either three consecutive negative tests or two negative PAPs and HPV tests within 10 years (the most recent test must be within 5 years).
Don't screen women who've had a hysterectomy with cervix removal.

The advice is endorsed by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Society for Clinical Pathology and appears in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Stroke from Exercise Supplements

Previously I had written how many exercise and bodybuilding supplements contain dangerous substances.

In a recent report, a 53 year old women who took "Jacked Power", and exercise supplement, developed a stroke. It was determined that the product contains Beta-methylphenylethylamine (BMPEA), an undeclared stimulant that is related to amphetamines which was the cause.

Apparently this substance is present in many supplements, and not listed as an ingredient.

Do not use prepackaged "artificial" enhancers. Use natural protein and carbohydrates!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

More Reasons for Measles Vaccine

Aside from protecting kids from possible fatal or severe neurological reactions from measles infections, vaccination also can prevent deaths from other illnesses.

Researchers wondered why, after the measles vaccine was used, there were less deaths from other infectious diseases.

Further research showed that natural measles causes a long lasting suppression of the immune system; for up to two years. The vaccine does not do that, while still protecting you.

All of medicine is about prolonging life and preventing illness. Anti-vaccine parents are harming their children.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sodas, Sweeteners and Diabetes

I have had several posts concerning diet drinks as well as sugary drinks and their terrible effects on our health.

Another article has come out which not only confirms this, but actually quantifies it.

Researchers studied the diets of over 25,000 people in the UK. They found that each 5% increase in the amount of calories consumed from sweetened beverages was associated with an 18% increase in diabetes incidence.

Per serving, soft drinks, sweetened-milk beverages, and artificially sweetened beverages were all associated with a greater than 20% increase in diabetes!

Replacing soft drinks (even diet drinks) and sweetened-milk drinks with water or unsweetened tea or coffee would significantly cut the rate of diabetes. Try some unsweetened ice tea, water, or club soda next time!!