Friday, December 29, 2017

Drug Prices in the United States - Drain the Swamp

The pharmaceutical lobby in this country is very powerful. They have convinced our politicians to restrict drug price negotiations, have prevented generic competition through, what in most industries, would be restraint of trade, and convinced our government not to regulate companies who raise prices at will.

The National Academy of Science has published a recent guideline on how we can realistically control prices while still allowing big Pharma to make a profit.

Will President Trump drain the drug swamp? Does the fact that a reputable scientific organization recommend it result in him ignoring it? Or will Pharma money win out again?

Birth Control Pills and Breast Cancer

In a study recently released, Danish researchers followed 1.8 million women aged 18-49. In Denmark there is universal health care and a common data base, which allows scientists to very accurately monitor health and disease causing activities. They found that the use of hormonal contraceptives resulted in 13 more cases of breast cancer per 100,000 women. N Engl J Med 2017; 377:2228-2239.

However, in reviewing the results, the journal mentioned that there are several limitations to the study; including not allowing for confounding factors such as family history, smoking, etc. As well, the risk of complications should a women have an unwanted pregnancy exceeds this excess risk.

Finally, in an editorial, the Journal pointed out that the copper IUD, and proper use of male condoms were as effective as the birth control pill and involved no hormones. Of course insurance coverage and education is important.

Do Men Really Get Sicker than Women?

There has been a lot of publicity lately about "man-flu", where men get sicker than women.

This was based on a study (BMJ 2017;359:j5560) where the author reviewed studies suggesting that males have weaker immune systems than females, perhaps owing to hormone differences between the sexes. They surmised that this may be an evolutionary adaption so sick men would be less likely to expose themselves to risk of hunting when sick.

There was actually no evidence for the existence of a man-flu to be anything more than the Oxford definition "a cold or similar minor ailment as experienced by a man who is regarded as exaggerating the severity of the symptoms." Sorry guys.

Exercise Helps Academics

When I was in school, physical education was mandatory. For some years after that students did less activity while emphasizing academics.

Fortunately there has been more physical activity in school in recent years. And in a recent study of over 10,000 children aged 4-13 physical exercise was significantly associated with improved academic skills in reading and math!

So get your kids to exercise! Its important to health and academics!

Álvarez-Bueno C et al. Pediatrics 2017 Dec

How the Republicans Encourage Abortion

With many of our politicians refusing to believe in science, it is not surprising that their actions can result in unexpected (at least to them) consequences.

In a recent study, Biggs MA et al. Obstet Gynecol 2017 Dec, researchers followed 19,700 women from a clinic in California. They found that those who had insurance which covered contraception were three more likely to use appropriate contraception and not use abortion as birth control.

In California, low-income women are mandated to have coverage for contraception. With repeal of the mandatory coverage of birth control, and further repeal of other mandates we can expect abortion rates to increase.

This may cause these same politicians to make abortion more difficult, or illegal. Other studies have shown that making abortions illegal or difficult do not change rates of abortions; just rates of legal abortions. And illegal ones have much higher risks.

The only effective way to decrease abortions is to encourage the use of proper contraception. And of course, in these circumstances it is the low-income women who suffer the most.