Monday, November 3, 2014

Eczema, Children and Moisturizers

Eczema in children is treated by use of moisturizing creams to help restore the normal skin barrier. But can the use of these creams actually prevent the development of this rash?

In a study in Great Britain parents were randomized to using one of three creams (sunflower oil, Cetaphil cream, or Aquaphor Healing Ointment, their choice) daily even the absence of a rash in infants. They started at 6 weeks and were evaluated after 6 months. The group was higher risk; having a first degree relative with atopic dermatitis.

The study discovered a 50% reduction in eczema. This is significant.

My daughter uses coconut oil on her baby; this child has had beautiful skin and no diaper rash! I would recommend it to everyone.

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