Monday, April 27, 2015

Does Vitamin D help the skin?

Maybe. We know a form of Vitamin D cream is useful in psoriasis, and researchers were wondering if Vitamin D supplement would help psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (like eczema).

Using a group of children with eczema, they first looked at Vitamin D levels, which were "normal" in only about 15%. I say normal in quotes because when they looked at control children they also were "normal" in only 15%; this makes one question the concept of what is normal.

However, supplement of 1000 units of Vitamin D significantly decreased the eczema as compared to placebo; it also had some effect on psoriasis.

The dose for adults would be 2000U.

This study is very preliminary, but since there are virtually no side effects to 2000 units a day in adults it may be worth a try if you suffer from these skin disorders.

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