Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Poison in our Environment

In a recent report from The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer determined that two insecticides and one herbicide cause cancer — or may cause cancer — in humans.

I was struck by their report of Lindane, also known as Kwell, which has been associated with a 60% increased risk of lymphoma. Although this is banned in many countries, it is still available here and - unfortunately - is mostly used in children for treatment of head lice. Most lice are already resistant, and this could result in multiple treatments. I hope it is banned soon!

Also carcinogenic were DDT (already banned, but not for that reason), which still persists in the environment, and probably the herbicide 2,4-D.

In another report, researchers found an increased incidence of Alzheimer's disease in women exposed to higher levels of air pollution. The subjects also showed decreased number of brain cells at an earlier age.

We really need to continue to remove the environmental poisons. Anyone who does not support the organic and green movements is fooling themselves.

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