Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Cancer Prevention - Easier Than You Thought

I read about vitamins and supplements, coffee, red wine, and chocolate that may prevent cancer. The studies that support these show very small decreases in cancer risk.

But there is a "simple" way to decrease cancer mortality by close to 50%!

In a recent observational study, researchers studied 28,000 healthcare professionals who met four healthy lifestyle criteria: never or past smoking, moderate or no alcohol consumption, no obesity, and regular physical activity. These participants were compared with over 100,000 participants who didn't meet all four criteria.

The researchers calculated that 25% of cancers in women and 33% in men might not have occurred if everyone adopted the healthy lifestyle. Similarly, 48% of cancer deaths in women and 44% in men might have been averted. When comparing the healthy group to the U.S. white population in general, the reductions were even greater. Lung and esophageal cancers saw the greatest reductions.

So while great breakthroughs have been made in treatment, we need to embrace these common sense values.

JAMA Oncol. Published online May 19, 2016. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.0843

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