Thursday, July 28, 2016

Diet Health Fats and Supplements

There are endless articles on weight loss and the effects of food on our health; from the Mediterranean diet to metabolic supplements. I highlight a few recent research findings:

Calorie Restriction in Normal Weight Adults - Improved Sex, Mood and Sleep
In a study over two years, by restricting calories by 25% adults had an average 16 pound weight loss (about 10% of original weight) , but reported significant improvements in mood, quality of life, sleep and sex.
JAMA Intern Med 2016 May 2

Some Fats are Good for You
In another study of over 32,000 participants over 32 years, researchers found that a diet higher in polyunsaturated fats actually had lower mortality by up to 20%. For specific dietary fats, total mortality was 19% lower among those with the highest intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and 11% lower among those with the highest intake of monounsaturated fatty acids; in contrast, risk for premature death was 8% higher and 13% higher among those with higher intakes of saturated fats and trans fats, respectively. The benefit of high polyunsaturated fat was attributable mostly to linoleic acid intake. This was not only related to heart disease but death by any cause. The most important thing to remember is to stay away from saturated and trans fats. Check the AHA for information.
JAMA Intern Med 2016 Jul 5

Brain versus Brawn
The stereotype of the dumb muscle man may actually have some basis in fact! Many, if not all body builders, use anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass. So do many elite athletes (like Lance Armstrong the cyclist). In a recent study, it was found that users had significantly decreased brain volumes which continued as long as they used the drugs. This also probably increased their risk for early Alzheimers.
Biol Psychiatry 2016 Jun 30

Pesticides, ALS, Cell Phone Radiation, Brain Tumors and Smoking when Pregnant

We are becoming exposed to so many things in our environment it is a wonder we remain healthy. I often imaging all those radio waves, TV waves, cell phone signals, etc that bombard us and have only been around less than 100 years!

As we examine disease trends more closely we begin to discover the potential toxic effects of our new environment.

However, most of these associations have only a very small effect; you need not panic based on this!

In one study researchers found there was a 5 time increased risk of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) after exposure to certain pesticides and toxins - Blood tests suggested significantly increased ALS risk for the following pollutants: pentachlorobenzene, cis-chlordane, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) 175, PCB 202, and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) 47. Surprisingly lead exposure seemed to have a protective effect!
JAMA Neurol. 2016;73(7):803-811

In a second study of rats, researchers exposed them to cell phone radiation for two years, and found a slightly higher rate of a kind of brain tumor and heart cancer. But this was only in male rats, not females. Because of this odd occurrence it is unknown whether this will even apply to humans. So keep your male rats off the phone for now.

Finally, we all know that smoking during pregnancy (still 10% of women do!) can result in retarded fetal growth. Using mice as a model, however, researchers found permanent behavioral changes even if the mice were no longer exposed after birth. This included fear responses and learning behavior. Not a great idea.
Nat Neurosci 2016 Jul 19:863

So stick to organics, stay away from plastics, avoid too much radiation from phones and other devices and don't smoke. And don't forget to exercise!

Skin Cancer, Car Windows and Nicotinamide

The risks of skin cancer are enhanced by exposure to UVA sunlight. Anyone who spends time in a tanning booth need not read on; as they already are at very high risk.

But I always thought that glass windows would prevent dangerous sun exposure. In actual fact, a significant amount of UVA light can penetrate most glass. In a recent study, researchers looked at UVA light penetrating the driver's side windows and windshields in 29 automobiles made from 1990–2014. On average, front windshields blocked 96% of UVA light, while side windows blocked 71%. Although windshields were fairly consistent in their protection, side window protection ranged from 55% in some 2013 BMW models to 96% in a 2011 Lexus. Tinting had no effect.

Front windows are shatterproof and have two layers of UV protective plastic.

So you may need to protect yourself if you spend a lot of time behind a sunny window!


In a second, interesting study done in Australia, researchers found that Nicotinamide or Vitamin B3 could prevent about 1/3 of skin cancers (not melanoma unfortunately). These skin cancers, which occur as we age are exceedingly common; and if you have a strong familial tendency this could be a consideration.