Thursday, July 28, 2016

Skin Cancer, Car Windows and Nicotinamide

The risks of skin cancer are enhanced by exposure to UVA sunlight. Anyone who spends time in a tanning booth need not read on; as they already are at very high risk.

But I always thought that glass windows would prevent dangerous sun exposure. In actual fact, a significant amount of UVA light can penetrate most glass. In a recent study, researchers looked at UVA light penetrating the driver's side windows and windshields in 29 automobiles made from 1990–2014. On average, front windshields blocked 96% of UVA light, while side windows blocked 71%. Although windshields were fairly consistent in their protection, side window protection ranged from 55% in some 2013 BMW models to 96% in a 2011 Lexus. Tinting had no effect.

Front windows are shatterproof and have two layers of UV protective plastic.

So you may need to protect yourself if you spend a lot of time behind a sunny window!


In a second, interesting study done in Australia, researchers found that Nicotinamide or Vitamin B3 could prevent about 1/3 of skin cancers (not melanoma unfortunately). These skin cancers, which occur as we age are exceedingly common; and if you have a strong familial tendency this could be a consideration.

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