Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Obamacare Version 2

Obamacare Part Two

After years of crying wolf, the new administration has "admitted" that the Affordable Care Act was a good thing. But, they must make dramatic changes to justify their years of crocodile tears.

The current bill, which is expected to have widespread opposition from both parties includes the following:

• There's no longer an individual mandate for coverage, but people who go without coverage for more than 2 months would face a 30% increase in premiums when they reenter the system. This might be a good way to get people to sign up.
• Older people could be charged up to five times the insurance rates paid by young people. Not so good; once again the insurance companies can charge such high fees for older individuals and those with pre-existing conditions as to make insurance unaffordable.
• Medicaid expansion would be reduced starting in 2020. This probably would mean millions uninsured again.
• Larger companies would not have to provide affordable insurance. Shifting the cost to those who cannot afford it.
• Money for Planned Parenthood clinics would be cut off for 1 year. This is clearly only political.
Among the things that would not change:
• Children could still remain on their parents' plans until age 26.
• The 10 essential health benefits mandated under ACA, including maternity care and preventive services.
• Coverage for "preexisting conditions."
As well, they want to allow selling of insurance across state lines. This might be a good thing.

Don't expect this to be the final answer as the special interests will undoubtedly get involved!

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