Monday, September 4, 2017

Vitamin D - Are we over-prescribing?

Vitamin D is known to be needed for bone metabolism; in abnormally low levels we get a softening of the bones called rickets.

However, there seems to be an association of low (what is low - see below) vitamin D levels with a variety of diseases, including ,migraines, depression, insomnia, etc.

Being an association, this means we do not know if the vitamin D increases risk of these illnesses; or somehow when we get these our levels drop as a result or in combination. So "correcting" this may not help and can even have adverse effects.

In a recent study, Australian researchers found that patients with levels below 12 developed bone disease. The "normal" levels in the US range fro 20; or even 50. This seems too high.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017 Mar 30; 102:2321

In a second study reviewing Vitamin D supplements, it was found that, looking at over 39,000 patients,over 18% of patients take more than 1000 units and 3% more than 4,000 units daily. High intake was most common in women (25.9%), non-Hispanic whites (21.8%), and older participants (age, ≥70; 38.5%).

The recommended maximum dose is 600-800 units. High dose Vitamin can cause increased fractures and kidney disease and is associated with premature death.
JAMA 2017 Jun 20; 317:2448

Take 600-800 units daily if you desire. Don't take excess doses - more is not better. And if your level is 20 or above (or even close to that) I would not take supplements.

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