Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ultrasounds in Pregnancy - Don't Get 4D!

Doing one or two ultrasounds during pregnancy are a very useful procedure to evaluate growth of the fetus and many early abnormalities which can be treated. It has prevented innumerable fetal deaths.

But we have gotten a bit carried away, with multiple ultrasounds and even the high intensity 4D type ultrasound. I have always advised against it, because we really don't know what effect they can have on the developing fetus. The initial concerns were about hearing, but now a recent study raises additional concerns.

In a retrospective study of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) children researcher found that there was significant association with deeper penetration ultrasound; but not with the number of ultrasounds.

This does not prove cause, but confirms that the least number of ultrasounds is best. And those 4D fancy pictures are surely unnecessary!

JAMA Pediatr 2018 Feb 12

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