Thursday, December 12, 2013

Less Antibiotics in our Meat!

Some good news about antibiotics in livestock. farmers have been adding these to animal feed for many years with the mistaken belief that it increases production. In actuality, using hygienic farming techniques (which isolates sick animals, and moves healthy animals to new, clean environments as they grow) is just as effective.

However, farmers habits seem difficult to change. Since these antibiotics can affect resistance in human bacteria, and have numerous other issues, they should not be in animal feed.

Finally addressing this, albeit incompletely, the FDA has embarked on a three year plan. Companies producing drugs for the food industry will be asked to voluntarily revise their labels to require veterinarian oversight for therapeutic use, and to remove all nontherapeutic production purposes. Extralabel use of drugs is not allowed with livestock.

A step in the right direction!

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