Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Polio-Like Virus in California - Cause for Concern

New Polio-Like Virus in California - Cause for Concern

Many of you may have heard about a new condition in California, that has affected up to 25 children in the past 18 months. It leaves the child with total paralysis of one arm or leg, and has had some breathing issues in a few children.

At present this seems very rare. During the polio epidemics there were thousands of cases in an 18 month period.

Physicians are researching the cause. A few of the children have been found to have a polio like virus called enterovirus-68. But most do not seem to have it. This virus is a suspect because it has caused rare paralysis in the past in children in Asia and Australia. Another possibility being looked into is an auto-immune process; where the body reacts to a common viral illness and produces antibodies that cross react with itself. This may be much harder to detect and treat.

There does not seem to be any association with any vaccines, and no direct relationship to polio virus. The cases found so far are separated enough by location and time that the CDC does not believe this is an epidemic. It remains a rare phenomenon.

Paralysis from Polio was an uncommon side effect of the virus; perhaps affecting one in a thousand children. However the infection was so prevalent and contagious that enough children got sick to create the epidemic. For example if in a big city like New York, 20,000 children were infected, then 2,000 would have paralysis; a huge number.

Currently researchers are working diligently to discover the cause. I believe they will find it. At present there is no need for any panic.

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