Monday, February 3, 2014

Supplements and Vitamins - DANGEROUS MEDICINE

Supplements and Vitamins

·         Are Supplements Needed?
·         Baby Vitamins – are they dosed improperly?
·         Testosterone Supplements – more dangers
·         Liver damage – sometimes fatal – from supplements
·         Regulation (or lack of) OTC supplements

Are Supplements or Vitamins Needed – The evidence is no
            There have been many health claims about vitamins and supplements (more later on that). However, except for few exceptions (such as Vitamin E for Alzheimer’s and Vitamin D) most studies have shown no benefit; and in fact possible dangers from taking these.  In three studies in several thousand patients there was no benefit in cardiovascular or cognitive functions in those taking multivitamins and supplements. As well, patients taking carotene actually had an increased death rate from lung cancer! The recommendation was: “Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified, and they should be avoided.”

Baby Vitamins – too much
            Many people give their babies vitamins or supplements. In a proper pediatric diet this is usually unnecessary. And it appears that even the available vitamins contain far more than the current recommendations. Over 200 labels of supplements for children under 4 were reviewed and they all contained much more than the daily allowance, sometimes by a factor of 10. In adults it has been shown that certain vitamins are actually dangerous; we do not know what the effect could be on children. I would not use these unless specifically recommended by your doctor.

Testosterone Supplements – heart attack risks
            As the marketing blitz for Low-T continues, we are seeing more side effects of the unnecessary use of testosterone. Most experts do not recommend taking testosterone unless the level is below 200 or 300. However many “clinics” treat at levels up to 500 (which is normal). Aside from the risk of prostate cancer, in a recent review of senior (65 and over) patients given supplements, there was a three times increased risk of a heart attack in the first 90 days. The perceived benefits are not worth the risk.

“Herbal” Supplements – fatal dangers and lack of regulation
            Supplements, whether for body-building, weight loss, menopause, etc have almost no regulation. They often contain dangerous and even life threatening ingredients, as well as unlisted chemicals or even medications! For example an ”herbal” supplement advertised as an alternative to Viagra was found to contain real Viagra! Many body building supplements were found to contain steroids.Of the over 50,000 supplements sold in the United States, less than 1% have been examined for their ingredients. An estimated of 20% of hospital admissions for liver failure come from these. I actually had one patient who required a liver transplant after using a special “tea”. In an investigation by USA Today, the industry was found to to have many criminals actually marketing products.

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