Monday, August 4, 2014

Performance Enhancing Drugs - Is this becoming the norm?

Most of us have heard about the scandal of Lance Armstrong using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) to help win his record seven Tour de Frances. And many can understand the pressure he was under as a professional athlete.
Photo: Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs on the rise in Teens

Most of us have heard about the scandal of Lance Armstrong using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) to help win his record seven Tour de Frances. And many can understand the pressure he was under as a professional athlete.

However these days even teen athletes are subject to extreme pressure to perform and win from parents and coaches. This is manifesting in increased use of PEDs. And we all know teens do feel immortal!

In findings released last week by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids teen use of Growth Hormone increased in 2013 to 11% from 5% in 2012. That's more than 1 in 10 teen athletes! And as more use the drug we can expect the rate to increase due to the need for others to compete. 

We need to continue to educate our teen athletes; and make these drugs more difficult to obtain!
However these days even teen athletes are subject to extreme pressure to perform and win from parents and coaches. This is manifesting in increased use of PEDs. And we all know teens do feel immortal!

In findings released last week by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids teen use of Growth Hormone increased in 2013 to 11% from 5% in 2012. That's more than 1 in 10 teen athletes! And as more use the drug we can expect the rate to increase due to the need for others to compete.

We need to continue to educate our teen athletes; and make these drugs more difficult to obtain!

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