Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Can Neck Manipulation Cause a Stroke?


There is a condition know and arterial dissection, which, when it affects the arteries in the neck (carotid) can lead to a stroke even in a young person. This is fortunately very uncommon.

However, when it starts the first symptom is often neck pain. A good medical history and exam will usually point a physician in the right direction, but there have been many cases of patients going first to chiropractors.  Although there are many trained to look for this, there are also many who go ahead and perform neck manipulation without proper evaluation. This has been associate with many strokes as the maneuver often makes the dissection worse very abruptly. 

In some other cases, not associated with the typical pain of early dissection, younger patients have had strokes very soon after neck manipulation. Not the best way to diagnose this type of illness.

Before consulting a chiropractor for neck pain I would recommend you get properly evaluated. Patients with sudden onset of severe neck pain should be investigated for dissection before undergoing neck manipulation; a good chiropractor should be aware of this. 

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