Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The FDA and Big Pharma

In many cases we have seen drugs either approved, or allowed to remain on the market when they have had unacceptable side effects (for example Vioxx), or been shown to be essentially ineffective (The new female sex pill). In addition, when President Bush passed part D (drugs) coverage for Medicare, the law was amended to specifically prohibit negotiating prices with drug companies (as do every other government sponsored plan throughout the world).

Many have surmised this is related to the powerful drug lobby. And it does seem to be so. That is why it is so disturbing that the FDA, our supposed independent agency that regulates the drug companies, has appointed Dr Robert Califf to head the agency.

He received received roughly $200,000 in consulting fees from pharmaceutical companies from 2009 to 2015, and has spoken out against regulation by the government. An interesting choice.

Check out New York Times Article

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