Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Natural Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction - Flavonoids

Viagra and similar drugs are some of the best selling pharmaceuticals. But a recent study confirms that a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables (mainly flavonoids) can lower the risk of erectile dysfunction.

As part of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, some 25,000 U.S. men (aged 40–75) completed food-frequency questionnaires and reported on their erectile function about every 4 years. During an average 10 years' follow-up, roughly one-third reported incident ED. Men with the highest intake of flavones, flavanones, or anthocyanins had a roughly 10% lower risk for ED than those with the lowest intake.

Common food sources of the flavonoids in question include blueberries, citrus fruits, melons, and peppers.

Not a surprise that once again fresh fruits and vegetables are good for you!


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