Saturday, April 30, 2016

Advances In Cancer Medicine - Blood test for Cancer?

The gene-sequencing company Illumina announced recently that it's launching a new company to develop a blood test that will detect early-stage cancers in asymptomatic individuals.

The basis of this test is that many cancers seem to have several genetic mutations on common. We have discovered that DNA from cancer cells can be detected in the blood, and using this it may be possible to have a simple screening test for the majority of cancers. This comes with the caveat of course that the test may not tell you which cancer you have, or how advanced it is. Or how to find it.

However this is a promising advance, and the company hopes to have it on the market by 2019.

Non-Toxic Immune Treatments
Researchers are beginning to develop ways to induce your own immune system to fight cancer.

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