Thursday, May 5, 2016

Can Environment Affect Genes - For Many Generations?

Last century, before we understood genetics, it was thought that certain traits occurred due to environmental factors.

We know that your genetic makeup is set at fertilization of the egg, but the environment can affect which genes are active.

Now in an interesting study, researchers have discovered that, at least in mice, certain viral infections occurring in the first trimester can not only affect the baby; but the gene changes seem to be inherited through the father for many generations.

If these findings translate to humans, they would add to evidence of heightened risk for autism via paternal lineage, already demonstrated for older fathers. It also underscores the urgency of vaccinating women of childbearing age to lower their children's risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.

Weber-Stadlbauer U et al., Mol Psychiatry 2016 Mar 29

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