Sunday, November 20, 2016

Exercise and Staying healthy

Exercise is promoted as a way to stay healthy. It makes sense, but is there any real proof?

To evaluate this, researchers analysed the risks of 5 diseases comparing those who exercised more.

As expected (thankfully for those of us who love exercise) they found that more exercise as even better:

High activity was associated with the following relative risk reductions:
• Diabetes: 28% lower risk
• Stroke: 26%
• Heart disease: 25%
• Colon cancer: 21%
• Breast cancer: 14%

Most benefits appeared to occur at 3000–4000 MET minutes per week; gains beyond that level of activity were minimal. (To achieve 3000 MET minutes/week, a person could climb stairs for 10 minutes, vacuum for 15, garden for 20, run for 20, and walk or bicycle for 25 minutes every day.) This is above the current recommendations.

I'm off to cycle - see you later!

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