Sunday, February 12, 2017

Genetically Modified Enzymes

There has been much controversy over genetically modified (GMO) foods. at this time there has been no conclusive evidence that these foods are bad for you, but there are many unanswered questions.

But gene modification is not unique to foods. Genetically modified enzymes are used increasingly to create flavors and fragrances and to enhance the strength of detergents and medications.

Now researchers are finding that workers in these industries are developing allergies and asthma because of this. Researchers tested blood samples for allergy antibodies from some 800 people exposed to enzymes in factories where they work. Roughly one-quarter of participants tested positive for antibodies against their particular workplace enzymes. Of these, about 17% reported asthma symptoms and 19% reported itchy eyes and running noses associated with their jobs. Cleaning and home care products were the worst.

Original Article

Clearly more testing is required in the use of genetically modified material. 

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