Friday, February 24, 2017

When There is No Evidence - And Marketing Drugs

I came across o couple of interesting news articles. Many treatments physicians perform have no real evidence of usefulness. Just like the "logic" that lowering cholesterol must prevent heart diseases (as we know certain drugs do not help), many procedures have no proven benefit.

My comments on the Atlantic Monthly Article:

Concerning stents, there are some locations in the heart where stents do prevent death. The problem is that placing a stent has become a knee jerk reaction, and is often unnecessary. It can be a difficult decision.

Beta blockers, like atenolol, have their place, but they have never been first line in high blood pressure. The studies have not addressed whether, as an add-on, they are worthwhile. When they are the third choice to lower pressure they may be needed. They also have many other, non-cardiac, uses.

The second article just reinforces what I have been saying for a long time about big Pharma!

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