Saturday, March 3, 2018

Can Social Media Shrink Young Brains?

There has been a lot said about decreasing screen time, especially in children. There have been many studies that show adverse effects.

But now, in a recent study, Sci Rep 2018 Feb 1., researchers tested the relationship between WeChat usage and brain morphology, researchers conducted a study of 61 university students (mean age, 22; 40 males) who underwent MRI scans and completed self-report questionnaires on WeChat addiction, depression, and anxiety. WeChat is an app popular in China similar to Facebook but with many additional functions, such as shopping and banking.

They found a correlation with decreases in brain gray matter and the amount of WeChat addiction. This corresponds to data showing that video games change white matter in 6- to 18-year-olds (NEJM JW Psychiatry Mar 2016 and Mol Psychiatry 2016; 21:1781).

Of note, many titans of Silicon Valley anticipated these pernicious effects of social media on children's neurological development and thus sent their children to device-free schools (e.g., Business Insider Nov 7, 2017). Such as Waldorf Schools.

So put down the cell phone now and stop your children from becoming addicted!

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