Saturday, March 3, 2018

Gluten? OR Fructan??

It seems that gluten free diets are the fad these days. Many people, with no clinical evidence (blood tests or intestinal changes) of Celiac disease claim to do better on a gluten free diet.

In a recent study, to evaluate this occurrence, researchers evaluated symptoms in such a population to see if they reacted to Fructan, another carbohydrate found in many foods (see below).

They found that Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) scores, both overall and for bloating, were higher with fructans compared with gluten. The fructans group also had worse scores for vitality and weakness compared with the gluten group. Gastroenterology 2018 Feb

It seems that some people may be having Fructan intolerance rather than gluten. If you have symptoms, its worth a try!

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