Our current EPA is intent on removing protections to our population so that business can thrive irresponsibly.
These policies seem aimed at hurting those in this country who can least afford it. When the government pulled back the Medicaid expansion, medical care for that section of our population suffered and recent studies confirmed that the poorest states, mostly in the South, have the sickest population.
Now the EPA has reversed a previous ruling on a widely used insecticide.
In 2016, just before the election, the EPA mandated a phasing out of the use of chlorpyrifos, based on evidence that it has been damaging our childrens' developing brains. Just as the EPA was poised to act, however, the plan was scrapped in March 2017 by incoming EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who overrode the recommendation of agency scientists to ban all commercial use of chlorpyrifos.
Organophosphate insecticides, like this one, were first introduced as nerve-gas agents during World War II, organophosphate chemicals were later repurposed by chemical companies as insecticides and other pesticides.
The adverse effects of this chemical will most strongly affect farm workers, their children, and anyone who cannot afford to buy organic foods. It is still widely used on fruits and vegetables, including apples, almonds, and dozens of other crops (see map in linked article).
By ignoring science and good sense, this government seems to be intent on creating a class separation in our society, pushing us to become more like many countries in South America with severe social issues related to a very rich class and a very poor class. For those of us who can, buy organic food!
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