Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Food Additives and Children's Health

The American Academy of Pediatrics released a policy on food additives and children. It is definitely worth looking at!

Here are some of the additives with the most evidence for concern:
• Bisphenols: Used in plastic containers and the lining of metal cans, bisphenols (such as BPA) can disrupt endocrine function, potentially reducing fertility and changing the timing of puberty.
• Phthalates: Found in plastic food wrap as well as in plastic tubes used during food manufacturing, phthalates have been tied to endocrine disruption (including testicular toxicity), cardiotoxic effects, and oxidative stress.
• Nitrates and nitrites: Added directly to foods (usually processed meats) as a preservative or to enhance color, these compounds have been linked to cancer and thyroid dysfunction.

To help reduce exposure, the AAP recommends that families to eat more fresh or frozen (rather than canned) fruits and vegetables, and to avoid processed meats. In addition, plastic shouldn't be put in microwaves or dishwashers, as heat can cause chemicals to leak into food.
The full list of chemicals of concern — and more recommendations for clinicians — are available at the link below.

Are Cheerios Poisonous?

The active ingredient of Roundup (A Monsanto Product) was recently implicated in a court case as a possible cause of cancer. This glyphosate is sprayed on many oat crops to kill the plant and dry out the oats for harvest.

It appears that most Oat cereals and snacks, including Cheerios and Quaker Oats have levels considered by the World Health Organization as possibly carcinogenic.

I would rethink eating these products, especially for children!

Organic Foods Prevent Cancer

I have always recommended organic foods, which are free from toxic pesticides (hopefully) and other chemicals. It seems logical that these will be healthier.

Well, in a recent study of over 70,000 French patients over 5 years they found a 24% lower incidence of cancer - a highly significant number.
JAMA Intern Med. Published online October 22, 2018.

So if you are in a position to eat organic, it is prudent to do so!

Internet Supplements - Alternate facts?

It is unbelievable how often people tell me they are taking natural supplements or herbal drugs because they are natural; yet these same people have an aversion to prescription medicine.

The FDA regulates prescription drugs; there is no regulation of supplements. In a recent review from the FDA’s Tainted Supplements database, they found that a total of 776 dietary supplements, produced by 146 different companies, were identified as containing unlisted pharmaceutical ingredients. Most of these products were marketed for sexual enhancement, weight loss or muscle building, and most commonly contained Viagra (sildenafil), sibutramine (Meridia; removed from the US market in 2010 because it caused heart valve deterioration)), and anabolic steroids. And this list is likely incomplete as it is a post marketing survey!

Some supplement manufacturers voluntarily submit their products to USP or other independent institutions for verification. USP, for instance, will allow its seal to be displayed on the labels of products it verifies are made using Good Manufacturing Practices and contain the labeled ingredients in the correct doses without unlabeled additives or harmful levels of contaminants. A USP seal does not indicate that a product has any medical benefit, but it’s a good indication that what’s on the label is what’s in the container. These are the only ones you should use!

You can review the list here

Thursday, October 11, 2018

How to Stay Young

There are many studies on how we can maintain fitness and maintain cognitive thinking as we age. A few recent ones are below.

Fall Prevention and Tai Chi
As we age, the risk of falling and fracturing a hip or other bone increases. An injury like that often results in significant deterioration of health. In a recent study (median age 78), JAMA Intern Med 2018 Sep 10, regular Tai Chi resulted in an almost 70% decrease in falls and injuries. It was more effective than balance exercises or strengthening. Maybe insurance will cover it!

Supplements - Omega-3 and Aspirin
In a previous post I reported a study about aspirin not really helping prevent disease. Now a new one suggests that Omega-3, also touted as an important supplement, probably does not help either. In reviewing 79 studies, researchers found Omega 3s had little to no effect on mortality or adverse cardiovascular event. Perhaps it is time to reassess supplements and just get onto a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables!

Your Intellect - Use it or Lose It
This makes sense, and, in a recent study in Hong Kong of over 15,000 individuals over the age of 70, intellectual activities (e.g., reading, playing games such as Mahjong) resulted in significantly less dementia. The question as th whether the fact that these people were already engaged in these activities contributed was not answered. So if you don't use your brain then start, if if you do; don't stop!

5 Factors to Stay healthy
Finally, in a 30 year study Circulation. 2018; CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032047, researchers looked at what factors contributed to healthy aging. The five main factors were healthy diet, never smoking, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (at least 30 min/day), moderate alcohol consumption, and healthy weight. Those with all 5 factors had an average increased life span of 13 years at age 50!

Screen Time and Healthy Children

There have been many recommendations about restricting screen time in children. Unfortunately every time I am in a restaurant it seems that every child is on a screen; even toddlers.
But the studies are out there. In one study Pediatr Res 2018 Jun 13, increased screen time was associated with significant behavioral problems as compared with minimal (less than an hour a day).

U.S. children aged 8 to 18 years spend, on average, over 7 hours each day in front of screens for recreational purposes, according to estimates reported in a new advisory on sedentary behavior and childhood obesity from the American Heart Association. They have found that this is associated with significant obesity and diabetes.

In another study, JAMA. 2018;320(3):255-263, 2600 teens in Los Angeles were studied, comparing their use of video games and chatting. Those with higher use had a significant increased risk of being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

Other studies have shown that keeping screen time to less than an hour a day improves intellect, creativity and intelligence.

Devices are useful but are not replacements for imagination, creativity and reading. Keep your children away from devices!

Your Diet - News on Dairy, Chocolate, Meats and others

Dairy and Heart Disease
Dairy foods have cholesterol, and many have suggested this fat may increase our risks. In a recent study of over 130,000 patients (Lancet 2018 Sep 11) researchers actually found a lower risk of heart disease in people who had more dairy (milk and yogurt especially). This was an association, but it is likely you don't have to worry about dairy and heart disease.

Dark Chocolate and Vison
Most of us love chocolate. In a recent study of 30 patients (not sure why this was done) ophthalmologists compared a dark chocolate diet with milk chocolate and found that, in a small group, eating dark chocolate improved high contrast visual acuity. I am not sure about what this means except that I am going to get a piece of dark chocolate right now!

Brave Sour Lemons?
In another study (again not sure why it was done) Obrist M. Sci Rep 2018 Jun 7, researchers compared risky behavior in patients given a sour solution to drink versus controls. They were also given other solutions, such as sweet and salty. They found that the sour food made the patients braver. So if you are about to go into an anxiety provoking situation, get those sourballs!

Cured Meats and Mania
Meats are cured with nitrates, which may have adverse health effects. To see if nitrates could contribute to bipolar disease, researchers fed these to mice and patients. Mol Psychiatry 2018 Jul 18. They found a definite increase in hyperactivity and mania with the cured meats. They also speculate that this may be related to changes in the intestinal microbiome.

Is Aspirin Losing its Mojo?

Taking a baby aspirin a day was often touted as a way to prevent heart disease and cancer - and many people have been doing that. This was based on some older studies showing there were benefits after a heart attack. Also there was some evidence it may lower your risk of colon cancer. So what happened?

In a recent study (Lancet 2018 Aug 26) sponsored by Bayer, the makers of aspirins, researchers followed over 12,000 patients over 55 who had no history of heart disease. Half the group took low dose aspirin and the other half a placebo.

The results showed that there was no difference in cardiovascular disease in the two groups, but a slight increase in the risk of bleeding in the aspirin group.

In another study (N Engl J Med 2018 Aug 26) aspirin was slightly preventative in diabetic patients, but the risk of bleeding countered this benefit.

So the conclusion is that baby aspirin may not really help you much. There may be some benefit; perhaps in colon cancer or in some subgroups. Taking one is a personal decision and not really, now, a medical recommendation.