Thursday, October 11, 2018

Screen Time and Healthy Children

There have been many recommendations about restricting screen time in children. Unfortunately every time I am in a restaurant it seems that every child is on a screen; even toddlers.
But the studies are out there. In one study Pediatr Res 2018 Jun 13, increased screen time was associated with significant behavioral problems as compared with minimal (less than an hour a day).

U.S. children aged 8 to 18 years spend, on average, over 7 hours each day in front of screens for recreational purposes, according to estimates reported in a new advisory on sedentary behavior and childhood obesity from the American Heart Association. They have found that this is associated with significant obesity and diabetes.

In another study, JAMA. 2018;320(3):255-263, 2600 teens in Los Angeles were studied, comparing their use of video games and chatting. Those with higher use had a significant increased risk of being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

Other studies have shown that keeping screen time to less than an hour a day improves intellect, creativity and intelligence.

Devices are useful but are not replacements for imagination, creativity and reading. Keep your children away from devices!

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