Thursday, October 11, 2018

How to Stay Young

There are many studies on how we can maintain fitness and maintain cognitive thinking as we age. A few recent ones are below.

Fall Prevention and Tai Chi
As we age, the risk of falling and fracturing a hip or other bone increases. An injury like that often results in significant deterioration of health. In a recent study (median age 78), JAMA Intern Med 2018 Sep 10, regular Tai Chi resulted in an almost 70% decrease in falls and injuries. It was more effective than balance exercises or strengthening. Maybe insurance will cover it!

Supplements - Omega-3 and Aspirin
In a previous post I reported a study about aspirin not really helping prevent disease. Now a new one suggests that Omega-3, also touted as an important supplement, probably does not help either. In reviewing 79 studies, researchers found Omega 3s had little to no effect on mortality or adverse cardiovascular event. Perhaps it is time to reassess supplements and just get onto a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables!

Your Intellect - Use it or Lose It
This makes sense, and, in a recent study in Hong Kong of over 15,000 individuals over the age of 70, intellectual activities (e.g., reading, playing games such as Mahjong) resulted in significantly less dementia. The question as th whether the fact that these people were already engaged in these activities contributed was not answered. So if you don't use your brain then start, if if you do; don't stop!

5 Factors to Stay healthy
Finally, in a 30 year study Circulation. 2018; CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032047, researchers looked at what factors contributed to healthy aging. The five main factors were healthy diet, never smoking, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (at least 30 min/day), moderate alcohol consumption, and healthy weight. Those with all 5 factors had an average increased life span of 13 years at age 50!

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