Thursday, April 18, 2019

Curing Diabetes?

There are many Gurus who claim that their retreat, diet, etc can "cure" diabetes. In non-insulin dependent diabetes (type 2) the physical issue is not enough insulin (as opposed to none). In this type of diabetes, making the lower amount of insulin work will "cure" it without medication.

Essentially the way to do this is to eat less and exercise more and lose weight if possible. Retreats that force you to do that will work.

Recently some researchers ( tried a diet where patients were asked to fast (until dinner) three times a week, and generally eat a low carbohydrate diet. All the patients were able to stop their insulin and 67% stopped all diabetes medicine. And they felt great. They all lost weight.

This is not going to be a universal cure, but shows how proper diet can help diabetes!

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