Thursday, May 8, 2014

Saving 37,000,000 People?

Researchers in England reviewed 6 modifiable risk factors which, if corrected, would prevent 37 million deaths over the next 15 years.

These include:

• reducing prevalence of tobacco use by 30%
• reducing per-person alcohol consumption by 10%
• reducing mean population consumption of salt by 30%
• reducing prevalence of hypertension by 25%
• stopping the increase in diabetes prevalence
• stopping the increase in obesity prevalence

Unfortunately we do not seem to be doing that much about it. In a related story, the incidence of diabetes in young adults in the United States increased by over 20% in the past 8 years. I believe this is due to our predilection for fast and processed foods.

On the other hand, some "good" news today reported that Whole Foods has had a decrease in profit, due, according to them, to more stores carrying organic and otherwise healthy foods. Good for all of us.

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