This type of surgery has become very popular as we try to maintain our beautiful youthful appearances. As was recently evident by the untimely death of Joan Rivers these procedures can be very risky.
Aside from death from anesthesia errors, not many studies have looked at actual complication rates.

The news is good. In a recent review of over 20,000 dermatologist cases there was less than a 1% rate of permanent complications such as scarring or pigmentation. There was, however an almost 25% rate of short term complications, such as bleeding or infection; most of which resolved without permanent damage.
If you decide to get that cosmetic procedure choose an experienced surgeon. If you need to be put to sleep do it in an outpatient surgical center; not in a physician's office unless there is a certified anesthetist and an up-to-date crash cart (meds and equipment on these need to be tested frequently) present.
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