Sunday, March 16, 2014

Is Society going to the Thumbs?

Mobile Devices and Caregivers

We have become a society of cell phone addicts. It seems that everyone is looking down pressing buttons; indeed it is now one of the major causes of auto accidents!

Sometimes I wonder why we text so much instead of simply having a conversation. Is texting the new communication?

With that in mind, researchers decided to see how much attention caregivers (nannys, babysitters, etc). Sitting in fast food restaurants, they observed 55 caregivers of children up to age 10. They found 16 were continuously on their mobile device, while 40 of 55 used it at least once.

While the adults were absorbed in their devices, children often engaged in limit-testing behavior. Adults who were paying attention to their devices often responded by first ignoring the behavior and then scolding the child, giving robotic instructions without looking at the child, not addressing the child's needs, or responding physically. And what example are we giving to our children?

Just think about that next time you are ignoring someone while using your phone fro texting, facebook (its OK to read my articles :)) or other distracting activity.

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