Monday, July 7, 2014

Vaccine Prices - Profit at expense of Health?

Vaccines are extremely important to prevent death and disease among children. In a recent very large review, researchers found that vaccines have few if any serious side effects, and their benefits far outweigh their risks.

However costs to physicians have increased dramatically. With reimbursement from insurance companies slow and often difficult this has led many physicians to stop stocking vaccines. I recall many years ago when I was dispensing flu vaccine that the cost of the vaccination increased to almost $20 (my cost). At that time Medicare was only paying us $12, so we stopped carrying it. At the same time Walgreens and other pharmacies starting providing it (coincidence??). In the next year reimbursements came back up (to $24), but many physicians had stopped.

Is this a trend? Again, the lack of any regulation of pharmaceutical companies has many consequences. See the NYT article below.

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