Monday, July 21, 2014

Your Diet Red Meat - Breast Cancer; Organic Foods are better!

In a recent study reviewing many thousand nurses over twenty years, it was found that there was a significantly increased risk of breast cancer in women who had 1 serving of red meat daily versus one serving a week. They also found that eating chicken after menopause was associated with a lower risk!

In other review, organic food was found to have to have significantly higher levels of anti-oxidants than non-organic. Antioxidants are associated with lower risks of cancer and heart disease. As well non-organic foods had higher levels of pesticides and toxic metals such as cadmium.

Although this does not prove that organic foods are healthier, I prefer that my family eat organic. Furthermore, limiting red meat and eating more fish and chicken seems the way to go.

Eat better to live well.

Please check out the recent NYT article

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